A Conversation about OOUX and Its Relationship with Content Modeling

An Interview with Caroline Sober-James

In this interview with Caroline Sober-James, Lead Product Designer at Uniform, we chat all about UX Design, get an introduction to Object Oriented UX design and how we can apply a design methodology that complements content modeling, single source of truth and scales across multiple delivery channels.

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Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the GUEST

Caroline Sober-James

Lead Product Designer, Uniform

Caroline is a user experience professional with a passion for untangling complexity and an affection for people. Her unique path to UX—via server-side development—has given her a unique perspective on design and a natural empathy for developers. She is a Certified OOUX Strategist, and you'll generally find her evangelizing for the OOUX design approach as a rock-solid way to make better software for human brains.

She is Lead Product Designer for Uniform, working with her team on building the user experience for the world's leading Digital Experience Composition (DXC) solution. She lives in Madison, WI, with her family and two rescue dogs.
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Marcelo Lewin

Marcelo is passionate about content modeling, so much so, he spends his weekends creating content models for fun! Yes, we know, he needs to get a real hobby! He's also very interested in content governance, content architecting and headless CMS technologies. As a Senior Content Solutions Architect, he designs content models that are scalable, support single source of truth and are friendly both to developers and content authors alike.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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