A Conversation about the Editorial Process, UX Experience and Content Modeling

An Interview with Michael Andrews

We’ll be discussing things to consider when developing a content model that will support the work of authors who are developing content and the needs of users who are accessing the content. By considering the tasks of authors and users, content models can be made more effective.

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Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the GUEST

Michael Andrews

Content Strategy Evangelist at Kontent by Kentico

Michael has a background in human-computer interaction and has worked in user experience and content strategy for over two decades. He has written two books about metadata for content and was one of the first content strategists to embrace the headless approach to content management. He speaks about the role of headless CMSs in supporting content strategy at content-related conferences.
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Marcelo Lewin

Marcelo is passionate about content modeling, so much so, he spends his weekends creating content models for fun! Yes, we know, he needs to get a real hobby! He's also very interested in content governance, content architecting and headless CMS technologies. As a Senior Content Solutions Architect, he designs content models that are scalable, support single source of truth and are friendly both to developers and content authors alike.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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