Composable ORCHESTRATION with Uniform Bootcamp

Transitioning from DXP to DXCP

With the history and the basics of creating DXP out of the way, in this lesson we focus on how to transition from the Digital Experience Platform to Digital Experience Composition Platform. DXCP helps you to orchestrate all sources in your ecosystem to communicate in a loosely coupled fashion while enabling content editors to make important experience composition decisions without the involvement of developers. No-code editing, universal preview across headless sources and personalization are a few of the features DXCP offers while leaving developers free to choose how they architect their code.

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Meet the Lesson Presenters

Tim Benniks
Principal Developer Advocate
Marcelo Lewin
Head of Content and Community
Headless Creator

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Composable Orchestration with Uniform Bootcamp

This lesson is part of a full course focused on Composable Orchestration with Uniform.  Want to get it now? It's 100% free.  Click below to learn more about it.